Posts Tagged ‘SQL Server 2008’

In this article, i will create a simple application that which implements NHibernate, in database side, i will use SQL Server 2008. What is NHibernate ? I will not explain it in there,  there are lot of explanations in the internet, like in here.

You can download latest NHibernate version here.

First, i will create a simple database that have just one table (and i added some record in there):

This is the DDL (Data Definition Language)

create table ACCOUNT (
   ACCID                int         identity(1,1)       not null,
   USERNAME             varchar(50)                     null,
   PASS                 varchar(50)                     null,
   constraint PK_ACCOUNT primary key nonclustered (ACCID)

Hmm.. what does this Identity(1,1)  mean ??? It is mean we will set ACCID attribute, the primary key, to become autonumbered, the value will be added automatically incrementing from 1, 2, 3, … and so on.

Next step, we will create simple solution in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 (remember … to connect to SQL Server 2008, your Visual Studio 2008 must be Service Pack 1 ).

Add some references

  1. NHibernate.dll (NHibernate library)
  2. NHibernate.ByteCode.LinFu.dll (for lazy loading)
  3. System.configuration


Database merupakan tempat penyimpanan data, yang memudahkan pengolahan dan pencarian data. SQL Server 2008 merupakan DBMS (Database Management System) yang powerfull untuk mengolah data. Di samping memiliki user interface yang mudah digunakan,. SQL Server 2008 juga memiliki fitur tambahan yang bisa diimplementasikan untuk meningkatkan performa dan mengurangi tempat penyimpanan

Berikut ini file tutorial instalasi SQL Server 2008 Enterprise yang saya buat :